Facial Rejuvenation
Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation is a safe certified treatment free of chemicals, proven to slow down the aging process.

Based on the principles of Chinese medicine, it is a natural noninvasive treatment that addresses not just the outer evidence of aging but also the root cause.
It helps detoxify impurities and benefits the health of the body’s largest organ, the skin. It improves circulation, increase collagen production and distribution, all which assist in you looking and feeling younger.
This holistic approach to beauty will have the following benefits:
- Reduces or eliminates fine lines.
- Lifts muscle tone, dermal contraction.
- Increases circulation.
- Oxygenates the skin.
- Eliminates puffiness by eliminating excess fluids.
- Decreases effects of stress on the face.
- Increases collagen production and distribution.
- Keeps acne under control, tightens pores.
- Brightens the skin, bringing out the inner beauty and radiance.
- Among other benefits, as overall wellness.
Benefits are seen within the initial 10-12 first treatments.
This treatment is done with fine disposable facial acupuncture needles; body points are also included in order to balance the overall energy. Call for a complimentary consultation